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NNN Properties For Sale

NNN Properties

A NNN property is known as a triple-net (NNN) lease property, and it is a form of commercial property lease. A triple-net property requires that the tenant be responsible for paying for property taxes, insurance, and maintenance in addition to the monthly lump sum base rent. Other variations of commercial property lease include Single-net lease, double-net (NN) lease, and gross lease.
Nnn Properties For Sale

NNN Properties for Sale Near Me

To get information about NNN Properties for sale near you contact Avery Postal Group & NNN to get access to their commercial real estate database and we can help you find the right NNN properties for you. As post office Owners and Brokers, we take pride in finding the right property to fit your specific investment needs.

Is NNN Lease a Good Investment?

While there is no investment without risk, when done right, NNN lease can be a good investment.

Here are some of the reasons why a NNN lease can be a good investment:

  • NNN leases are usually single-tenant leases, and single-tenant leases are known to dispense steady and predictable returns to the property Owner over time. Also, most of the time, the tenants are usually a part of a larger franchise which makes them low-risk and financially stable.
  • You can allow your profits to accumulate through the use of the tax deferments that commercial real estates offer.
  • NNN frees the property Owner of minor obligations like property maintenance and other managerial obligations.


Ready to invest in a NNN property? View all of our available properties.